Sermon Outline April 13/14

“Good News” for All
Galatians 2:15-21 


Big Idea: Living Gospel-centered declares the “good news” is for everyone.


What is the “good news”?


          We are made right with God by what Jesus has done!


          We are now alive in Christ because Jesus loves us! 


Next Steps

Step into the life only Jesus gives. 

Ask Jesus, “What and where are you calling me to let go so that you may live fully in me?”

Live it out… a daily discipleship guide 

Live It Out | A Daily Discipleship Guide

   Live It Out Podcast – Episode 2 “What does the Bible say about ____ ?”

Monday | Read/Listen to Galatians 2 | Worship to Lead Me To The Cross

Living Gospel-centered declares the “good news” is for everyone. What does it mean for you to live a crucified life? How does the reality of dying to self and living for Christ transform your priorities, ambitions, and desires? We don’t naturally think of surrender as a good thing – why is surrendering to Jesus different? Ask Jesus, “What and where are you calling me to let go so that you may live fully in me?”

Tuesday | Read/Listen to Acts 10 & Mat. 15:1-20 | Worship to Come Ye Sinners

We are made right with God by what Jesus has done! How does knowing Peter’s encounter shed light on the correction Paul recounts in Galatians? What things do you see in your world that put requirements on people besides the Gospel?  How do you hold in tension personal spiritual practices for intimacy with Jesus versus acceptance by Jesus? Ask Jesus, “Where am I trusting my effort over your love for me?”

Wednesday | Read/Listen to Acts 13 | Worship to God So Loved

We are now alive in Christ because Jesus loves us! What do you observe about how Paul & Barnabas spread the “good news” throughout the region? How does this encourage or challenge you? How does knowing these are likely the churches Paul is writing to later on give you perspective? How does the people’s response to the “good news” motivate you? Ask Jesus, “Who needs to see ‘good news’ today?”

Thursday | Read/Listen to Acts 14 | Worship to Homecoming

We are now alive in Christ because Jesus loves us! How does this passage challenge you as you think about the “good news” being for everyone? What’s your initial response when you face adversity? When Paul is stoned, how does this challenge our view of Jesus’ love for us? Ask Jesus, “What is something you love/like about me? Who needs to know that type of love today?”

Friday | Read/Listen to the letter to the Galatians | Worship to More Like Jesus

Living Gospel-centered declares the “good news” is for everyone. Zoom out. What themes do you read/hear in this letter? How would you describe the “big picture” of this letter? How has that changed from last week? Ask Jesus, “What area of my life do you want to transform over this series? What’s my next step in that transformation?”

Live It Out for Families

Families, our Kid’s Ministry has recently begun a new curriculum and has provided a new resource for you to Live It Out at home with your children. Use the link below to access this weekly tool.

Live It Out for Families- Lesson 2
Kids Spotify Playlist

This Week’s Resources

Episode 2 “What does the Bible say about ____ ?”
Lead Me To The Cross
Come Ye Sinners
God So Loved
More Like Jesus


Use this Link to access the songs we have been hearing in the Live It Out over the past few months.
Live It Out Spotify Playlist