Sermon Outline Sept. 14/15

Leviticus… for the rest of us
Clean and Unclean?
Leviticus 10-15


Big Idea: God’s active Presence is how we live out the “image of God” we were created to be. 


“How do we live now that God has moved in?”



Approaching God on his terms is glorious! 

But, attempting to approach God on our terms is deadly. (Ch. 9-10)



God’s instruction in living “clean” reminds us of our humanness. (Ch. 11-15)



Jesus has re-established what it means to be the image of God. 



Next Steps:

Ask Jesus, “What relationship or place are you asking me to rely on your Presence to represent you?”

Live It Out… a daily discipleship guide



“Atonement” = to purge or wipe clean/to redeem

“sin offering” = purification offering


Live It Out | A Daily Discipleship Guide

podcast, podcasting, Buzzsprout icon Listen to: Live It Out – Podcast “Leviticus… for the rest of us – Week 2”podcast, podcasting, Buzzsprout icon



Resources for going further:

BibleProject Podcast: Leviticus Scroll
“Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of God?” ~ L. Michael Morales



Monday | Watch this video on “The Image of God” | Worship to “In Your Presence”

God’s active Presence is how we live out the “image of God” we were created to be. How does understanding that humans are the “living images” of God change the way you view your relationships with others? What do you think your role is in reflecting God’s rule and wisdom in the world, both individually and as part of the church? Ask Jesus, “What relationship or place are you asking me to rely on your Presence to represent you today?”


Tuesday | Read/Listen to Leviticus 9:22-10:20 | Worship to “Holy Forever”

Approaching God on his terms is glorious! But, attempting to approach God on our terms is deadly. How does this passage remind you of the glory and awe of approaching God on his terms? In what ways can you prepare your heart to approach God with reverence and humility in your daily worship? Are there areas in your life where you’ve been tempted to set your own terms for worship or obedience? How can you realign with God’s way? Ask Jesus, “What relationship or place are you asking me to rely on your Presence to represent you today?”

Wednesday | Read/Listen to Leviticus 11-12 | Worship to “Thank you Jesus”

God’s instruction in living “clean” reminds us of our humanness. How would what the children of Israel ate impact the view other nations had of them in being God’s people? How do cultural realities influence how we see God? How can recognizing your humanness lead you to a deeper reliance on God’s Presence, wisdom, & direction in your daily decisions? Ask Jesus, “What relationship or place are you asking me to rely on your Presence to represent you today?”

Thursday | Read/Listen to Colossians 1:15-20  | Worship to “Trust in God”

Jesus has re-established what it means to be the image of God. Read/Listen to the passage 3 times. How does Jesus’ work of reconciliation and peace restore the image of God in you? What is your understanding of what it means to bear God’s image in your life? How can trusting in God’s Presence help you live with purpose, peace, and confidence as you represent Jesus today? Ask Jesus, “What relationship or place are you asking me to rely on your Presence to represent you today?”

Friday | Read/Listen to John 15 | Worship to “Who You Say I Am”

God’s active Presence is how we live out the “image of God” we were created to be. 

How does abiding in Jesus’ presence help you reflect the image of God in your daily life? What does it mean for you to live out God’s image by bearing fruit in your relationships, work, and community? How does living out our purpose as “the image of God” bring glory to the Father? Ask Jesus, “What relationship or place are you asking me to rely on your Presence to represent you today?”

This Week’s Resources

podcast, podcasting, Buzzsprout icon Listen to Live It Out – Podcast “Leviticus… for the rest of us – Week 2”podcast, podcasting, Buzzsprout icon
BibleProject Podcast: Leviticus Scroll
In Your Presence
Holy Forever
Thank you Jesus
Trust in God
Who You Say I Am

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