What if retirement wasn’t the finish line, but rather a command performance that builds a Kingdom-based legacy by bringing out the very best a person has to offer: wisdom, skill, experience, giftedness, and time. The Encore Ministry endeavors to enable a God-filled vision by helping retirees launch relational environments as we join shoulder-to-shoulder to make a gospel impact in a fun and supportive community.


Scroll down to see upcoming Encore events!

Our mission at Two Rivers is to welcome people into a caring community that honors the Word and Spirit of Christ so that a lifestyle of prayer, worship, discipleship, and service is multiplied locally & globally. Toward this end, the Encore vision is to call retirees to a life committed to Kingdom-discipleship through an investment of their time, relationships, and life experiences as we pray, serve, and grow together.

To get involved or to simply get more information about Encore, please complete and submit the form below.


Encore Monthly Meetings

10:00A-12:00P | Student Center | Harrison Ln

Please join us in the Student Center/Amped on the Harrison Lane Campus on the third Wednesday of each month. We’ll socialize and snack while we make items for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes—and play some indoor pickleball as well!

Upcoming meeting dates:
Sept. 18, Oct. 16, Nov. 20