Our goal is to provide kids a welcoming, loving, and safe environment that lays a spiritual foundation for their lives. We desire to come alongside parents in this process, ultimately serving Jesus together.

Welcome to our Kids Ministry!

We want to come alongside the parents of the kids who we minister to at each age level to help them lay a spiritual foundation so that in His timing, will lead their child into a personal relationship with Christ. By helping parents celebrate each stage of spiritual development, they can be encouraged and mentored as they lead their children towards a journey in faith. We provide a fun and safe environment where children ages birth through 5th grade are loved through Christ and learn what it means to love Him.

Our Kids Ministry is open on all three campuses, during most Sunday services. We look forward to seeing your family!

Special Needs Ministry

The Buddy Crew is a safe environment catered to your child’s specific needs. We offer one-to-one care for your child while you attend service.

If you have a child in need of a buddy, please fill out the form below and email it to Amy Stewart at

Buddy Crew Request Form

The Harbor is a place of security and comfort for middle and high school students with special needs to hear God in a way they can engage while caregivers attend worship service.

If you have a child that would like to attend The Harbor, please fill out the form below and email it to Amy Stewart at

The Harbor Request Form