Sermon Outline Apr. 20/21

Deep Roots
Galatians 3:1-14
Faith Transformation


Big Idea: The indwelling Holy Spirit is how we begin and live a Gospel-centered life. 



Life in the Spirit begins by faith in Jesus.


We live each day trusting Jesus by the Spirit’s power.


This was always the plan!


Next Steps:

Live It Out… a catalyst each day to follow Jesus

Ask Jesus, “What do I need to trust you with today?”


Live It Out | A Daily Discipleship Guide

Live It Out Podcast – Episode 3 “What does the Bible say about ______?”

Monday | Read/Listen to Galatians 3:1-14 | Worship to “Spirit of The Living God”

The indwelling Holy Spirit is how we begin and live a Gospel-centered life. When have you found yourself living like your ongoing acceptance depends on you rather than Jesus? What did that look like? How do you remind yourself of the Cross? Of the Spirit’s presence in you? How could you do that more often? Ask Jesus, “What do I need to trust you with today?”


Tuesday | Read/Listen to Genesis 12:1-9 and 15:1-6 | Worship to “Give Me Faith”

Life in the Spirit begins by faith in Jesus. What stands out about the interaction between God and Abraham in these passages? Abraham displays faith in God here – do you know of other times when he didn’t trust? How does Abraham’s story impact how you view your own faith? 

Ask Jesus, “What can I do today that puts my faith into practice?”


Wednesday | Read/Listen to Romans 3:21-5:11 | Worship to “More Like Jesus”

We live each day trusting Jesus by the power of the Spirit. How does God’s response to our sin shape how you respond to his guidance? How is the transformative power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life conforming you to the image of Christ? How can you worship God for that throughout today? Ask Jesus, “What do I need to trust you with today?”


Thursday | Read/Listen to Psalm 62 | Worship to “Trust In God”

Read/listen to the Psalm a second time. As you meditate on these words, what do they stir up in you? How does this help you understand what it means to trust Jesus? What practical steps can you take to cultivate a deeper sense of trust and dependence on God in your daily life? Ask Jesus to remind you of how he’s been trustworthy in the past. Write it down. Look at it throughout today. 


Friday | Listen to Galatians | Worship to “There is One Gospel”

The indwelling Holy Spirit is how we begin and live a Gospel-centered life. Listen with your Bible open in front of you. In a sentence or two, how would you explain the Gospel-centered life Paul describes in this letter? How would you summarize the implications of that life for the rest of your day today? Ask Jesus about how he wants to continue to transform you in light of the presence of the Holy Spirit in you. 

Live It Out for Families

Families, our Kid’s Ministry has recently begun a new curriculum and has provided a new resource for you to Live It Out at home with your children. Use the link below to access this weekly tool.

Live It Out for Families- Lesson 3
Kids Spotify Playlist


This Week’s Resources

Episode 3 “What does the Bible say about ______?”
Spirit of The Living God
Give Me Faith
More Like Jesus
Trust In God
There is One Gospel


Use this Link to access the songs we have been hearing in the Live It Out over the past few months.
Live It Out Spotify Playlist