Sermon Outline July 20/21

Road Trip… a guide to faith-filled community
Titus 2:1-15
“The Fast Lane”


Big Idea: A faith-filled community lives out the gospel where they live, work, and play.


We start by living the “right belief.” (vv. 1-10)



Grace guides us as we navigate life in God’s Kingdom. (vv. 11-13)



We are confident in belonging to Jesus, dedicating ourselves to his purpose for us. (vv. 14-15)


Next Steps:
Turn and trust Jesus
Ask Jesus, “What ‘purpose’ do you want to ignite or fan within me?”
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Live It Out | A Daily Discipleship Guide

Monday | Read/Listen to Titus | Worship to “Made for More

A faith-filled community lives out the gospel where they live, work, and play. How do you hear this theme repeated in Paul’s letter to Titus? As you read or listen to the “big picture” of this letter to Titus, what themes do you notice? How might God be communicating to you through these themes? What is it that you are passionate about? How might Jesus use that passion for his purpose? Ask Jesus, “What purpose do you want to ignite or fan within me?”


Tuesday | Read/Listen to Titus 2:1-15 | Worship to “Daily Bread”

We begin with living the right belief. How does this encourage you to invest time in learning? How well does your life align with the “sound doctrine” of the gospel? Are there areas where your beliefs and actions might not fully reflect biblical teachings? What steps can you take to ensure your daily life more consistently reflects sound doctrine? How might this impact your family or workplace? Ask Jesus, “Who can I encourage with your truth today?”


Wednesday | Read/Listen to Colossians 3-4:6 | Worship to “Whole Heart

Grace guides us as we navigate life in God’s Kingdom. How does the grace of God motivate and empower you to live out the life that Jesus calls us to? Are there areas where you need to rely more on God’s grace for transformation? What is your part in putting off the old self and putting on the new you? Ask Jesus, “How can I live in your grace as I walk through my day?”


Thursday | Read/Listen to Titus 2:1-15 | Worship to “Hands and Feet”

We are confident in belonging to Jesus, dedicating ourselves to his purpose for us. What is it that you are passionate about? How might Jesus want to use this passion to serve others? Is there something new he has been stirring within you? Is there something that he wants to grow within you? What is your attitude toward “good works”? How does the hope of Christ’s return influence your daily decisions and priorities? Ask Jesus, “What purpose do you want to ignite or fan within me?”


Friday | Read/Listen to Titus | Worship to “Spirit Lead Me”

A faith-filled community lives out the gospel where they live, work, and play. What themes have you heard repeated throughout Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus? Write out one theme or truth. Place this somewhere you will see throughout the day. Ask Jesus, “How do I put this truth into motion?”

This Week’s Resources
Made for More
Daily Bread
Whole Heart
Hands and Feet
Spirit Lead Me


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