Serve 2RC
2RC is both a church and a family. To help our family function and prosper, we must all contribute our time and talents to its needs. For example, it takes 200+ volunteers each weekend to conduct our 10 services in 7 venues. Plus, volunteers are needed for groups, Wednesday nights, global and local impact efforts, prayer and care ministries, and more. We need your help!
Not sure which ministry area fits you?
No problem!
Click here to go to our Ministries page, browse around, and return here to complete a form letting us know where you’d like to serve.
Already know where you want to serve?
Click here to submit a form letting us know where you want to serve. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Serve 2RC Form
Your involvement serving at Two Rivers Church matters! Your unique gifts and abilities make a greater difference than without them. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do each week without our faithful and much appreciated volunteers! To find a place to serve, please fill out the form below.