Live It Out | A Daily Discipleship Guide


Jesus unveils the Word-dependent & Spirit-empowered life. How do you see Jesus living by Word and Spirit? In what areas of your life do you tend to rely on your own effort rather than on Scripture and the Holy Spirit’s guidance? What spiritual practice can you engage in to cultivate a reliance on both? Ask Jesus, What way of thinking do you want to reshape?


Jesus reveals the path to victory in a real cosmic battle. How can this truth go beyond simply acknowledging the spiritual battle we face? What specific areas in your life do you need to embrace the reality of the cosmic battle? How does “putting on” this armor help move us beyond simply acknowledging the spiritual battle and into actively standing firm in Christ? Ask Jesus, “How can I live more empowered by your Spirit today?”


Jesus demonstrates the Word-dependent & Spirit-empowered life through obedience. What stands out about Jesus’ relationship with the Father? What is the foundation of Jesus’s obedience? What are the implications of this reality for you? Ask Jesus, “How can I live more dependent on your Word today?” Sign up for Serve Saturday on Feb. 22nd!


Knowing God’s story is essential to reshape how we think in the midst of the battle. Describe the difference between knowing Bible verses and knowing God’s story revealed in the Bible. What truths do you see in this part of God’s story about who he is and how his people relate to him? How do those truths help you respond to temptation? Ask Jesus, “How can I live out your story in my world today?”


Jesus unveils the Word-dependent & Spirit-empowered life. How has this passage challenged your thinking? How does it impact how you respond to life’s challenges? How does it impact how you respond to Jesus? Ask Jesus, What way of thinking do you want to reshape?

Sermon Outline Feb. 15/16


“The Life”

Matthew 4:1-11

Big Idea: Jesus unveils the Word-dependent & Spirit-empowered life. 

Jesus reveals the path to victory in a real cosmic battle. 

Jesus demonstrates the Word-dependent & Spirit-empowered life through obedience.

Knowing God’s story is essential to reshape how we think in the midst of the battle.

Next Steps:

How are you making intentional choices to respond to following Jesus?

Ask Jesus, “What way of thinking do you want to reshape?

Live It Out… a daily discipleship guide