Live It Out | A Daily Discipleship Guide


Jesus’ sacrificial death brings salvation to all who believe. How are you personally responding to the depth of his sacrifice, and in what ways is this shaping your trust and obedience to him? Write it down. Ask Jesus, “What do you want me to know about your love for me?” Then, ask him, “Where are you asking me to trust you based on your love for me?” Worship him. Put a specific time on your calendar to practice solitude/silence this week.


God’s plan for salvation was always in his control. How does knowing God was sovereignly in control of Jesus’ sacrifice help you trust God’s plan, even when it seems confusing or painful? Reflect on the truth that Jesus willingly endured humiliation, suffering, and death for your salvation. How does this deepen your understanding of your worth and identity in God’s eyes? Ask Jesus, “Where is my view of me out of alignment with your view of me?”


God’s plan for salvation reached its completion in suffering. Does knowing that Jesus willingly embraced suffering as part of God’s perfect plan shape your perspective on your own hardships or pain? How does this powerful truth deepen your gratitude toward Jesus, and what specific actions could you take today to express that gratitude? Who might God be calling you to demonstrate Jesus’ example of sacrificially loving or serving others today? Ask Jesus, “Who needs to see your love today through me?”


Read this passage multiple times to meditate on it. God’s plan for salvation was always meant to be for all. How does knowing you were always part of God’s plan deepen your gratitude and inspire worship? What’s one way you can express this gratitude practically today? Where might God be challenging you to grow in reflecting his heart for others? Ask Jesus, “How do you want me to pray today?”


Jesus’ sacrificial death brings salvation to all who believe. In what areas of your life do you need Jesus’ light to reveal the truth and lead you deeper into the salvation he secured through his death? Are there areas in your life where fear or seeking approval from others keeps you from fully embracing or proclaiming your faith in Jesus? How can reflecting on Jesus’ sacrificial death empower you to move from fear to confident faith? Register for Quiet Waters. Pray as the Holy Spirit guides you today.

Sermon Outline Mar. 22/23

The Pierced One
John 19:31-37
Zechariah 12:10

Big Idea: Jesus’ sacrificial death brings salvation

to all who believe.

God’s plan for salvation was always in his control.


God’s plan for salvation reached its completion in suffering.

God’s plan for salvation was always meant to be for all.

Next Steps:

Choose to believe the truth – You are loved!

Step into being loved and allow it to realign your purpose. 

Live it Out