Prayer Ministry
Types of Prayer
Prayer is simply communicating with God. He loves us and wants to spend time with us. When we spend time with Him, He puts His desires and plans in our hearts. As we learn to pray for the things He puts on our hearts instead of just our wish list, we find our prayer life becoming more effective.
Why Pray?
We pray to grow in our relationship with God and to partner with Him in all He wants to accomplish in and through us. Jesus has all authority and He has chosen to give us that authority. When we pray, we are agreeing with His desire to bring His kingdom to the earth. He loves being in relationship with us.
Prayer Focused Events

All In Prayer Night
A few nights throughout the year we create a space to pray our vision into reality through worship-based prayer.
Pray Two Rivers
Pray Two Rivers is a prayer canopy for our entire church family! It is a tangible way church leadership can direct us in unified in prayer around the vision and mission of Two Rivers Church. If you are a member or regular attender at Two Rivers you will automatically be a part of this resource and will receive these posts periodically on Realm. If you are not currently receiving post from Pray Two Rivers but would like too, please contact Cybil Murray.
“Pray for great things, expect great things, work for great things, but above all pray,” R.A. Torrey