
“Did you know God designed you to live & serve in community? God is actively involved in connecting people for mutual encouragement, growth, and service. Within a Group community, you can face life with the kind of strength & support God has intended. Pray for God’s guidance, and be bold. Take the step into life-changing community”

Join a Group!

Sign up now for our Spring semester of Groups! You can sign-up in person in the lobby of each of our campuses on the weekends of March 22/23 & 29/30. Or sign-up online below. Groups will start in April and end the last week of May.

2RC Groups Hallmarks

ON Ramp
Sign up online anytime during the year. We will connect you to a group as soon as possible. The best time to register for a group, when there are the most options, is during Group Sign Up. We have those events three times a year on each campus: August, January and March.

OFF Ramp
Our groups meet for about 10 weeks and then everyone has the opportunity to continue on with the same group, switch groups or take a break.

Most groups are sermon based and apply the weekend message to everyday life. Each week, the discussion/application questions are included in the bulletin (available during services or online). Some groups (Men’s, Women’s, Care, Topical, etc) use bible based materials focus on specific themes to discuss and apply to real life. Some of these specific groups are described HERE.

All groups are committed to growing Christ followers by practicing five core priorities of Care, Bible, Prayer, Worship and Service

A 12-14 maximum and 6-8 minimum number of group members, allows for good participation without draining resources. For this reason, some groups are listed as full and will not be taking on new members.

You can select a group based on life stage, gender, time, location or topic. For a listing of groups click:
Harrison Lane Campus
Bearden Campus
Roane County Campus

Our quarterly approach builds in natural breaks over the summer, Christmas and spring break. While community never stops, group meetings do – freeing people to rest, connect with neighbors and coworkers and take advantage of summer training opportunities.

2024-2025 Groups Calendar

Groups Priorities



Creating group relationships that offer meaningful and tangible love, support & challenge. Welcoming members is an important element to providing a caring environment.



Shepherding people toward building habits of reading, discussing, and applying the Bible AND listening for and responding to the leadership and power of the Holy Spirit.



Shepherding people toward building habits of seeking God’s Will on what, when and how to pray in response to the Spirit’s leading.



Shepherding people toward building habits of bringing God glory in all aspects of their life AND celebrating what God is doing in, around, and through them.



Shepherding people toward building habits of doing good works, using their gifts regularly to build up your group/the church, and intentionally partnering as a group to bless the community.

What’s Happening in Groups?

Check out what’s happening at Two Rivers.

No upcoming events found for Groups Ministry.

Serve together!

Your group can take on a service project, go on a mission trip, or participate in Serve Saturday. Use the links below to find out more!

Want to lead a group?

Awesome! We would love to explore group leadership with you — please click the link below to begin the application process.

Typically, group leaders have completed Wade In to become members of 2RC; have belonged to a group for at least one quarter; possess strong shepherding, leadership, and relational skills; and are mature in their personal walk with Jesus.

Discipleship Team





Elizabeth Leonard

Adult Discipleship Assistant

Connect With Us

If you are not currently in a Group, reach out to us today to learn more about ways you can get connected. We are also always looking to improve and would value your feedback related to our Groups’ registration process or your current Group experience.