We Are Two Rivers Church
Our Vision

Core Values




Relationally Connected
Relationally Connected
How We Make Followers of Jesus
Discipleship Freeway
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Me & Jesus
These are the things we do one-on-one with God. It includes things like using the Live It Out daily guide, fasting, studying scripture, devotional Bible reading, solitude, sabbath, praying for others, and giving generously.
We & Jesus
These are the things we do with others - from one other person to a medium-sized group of 30-50. It includes things like Two Rivers Groups, classes, Jesus-centered friendships, The Well, Encore Ministry, and prayer-walking with others.
Serve with Jesus
These are the things we do when we give of our time and talents to demonstrate the good news of Jesus in tangible ways. Ministries “inside” Two Rivers, Local Impact partnerships, Serve Saturday, Global Impact Trips, Serving with your Group, Supporting Global Partners.
Gathered with Jesus
Think of this as the Bus Lane, which includes the things we do when we’re gathered together as the whole church - where we all give up some control so we can move forward together. It includes things like weekend worship services, All-In Prayer nights, Quiet Waters, and city/regional prayer gatherings.
On Ramps
This is what we do to get onto the freeway and move into a discipleship relationship with Jesus. This may include getting baptized, attending Wade In, and other activities.
Discipleship Freeway
Discipleship isn’t a project we complete. It’s a relationship we live out - a path we walk. In East TN, when we want to get from here to there we use the freeway. And on a freeway, you can’t sit in one lane all the time. You have to use all the lanes to keep moving forward. The same is true in discipleship to Jesus.
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