Sermon Outline July 13/14

Road Trip
2 Timothy 1-2
Making an Impact      



Big Idea: Living in a faith-filled community leaves a lasting impact.



Making a lasting impact requires that I look beyond me.



Making a lasting impact is a group effort.



Making a lasting impact is ultimately a convergence of the Spirit’s power and our partnering with him.




Next Steps:

Who has God placed in my life – that I must see – invest?
What are my practical next steps to make this a reality?
Do it!


Live It Out | A Daily Discipleship Guide

Monday | Read/Listen to 2 Timothy 1:1-2:26 | Worship to We Need People

Living in a faith-filled community leaves a lasting impact. What can you tell about Paul and Timothy’s relationship from these two chapters? What does it look like for you to leave a spiritual legacy in your relationships—where you live, work, and play? How would you describe the lasting impact you’d like your life to have? Write a few things down. What step could you take this week to invest in the long term? Ask Jesus, “What kind of impact do you long for me to have?”


Tuesday | Read/Listen to 2 Timothy 1:1-18 | Worship to Reckless Love

Making a lasting impact requires that I look beyond me. Consider the spiritual influences in Timothy’s life. How would you describe your own spiritual heritage? Who has invested in you? Who have you invested in? Who are you investing in now? Ask Jesus, “Who have you placed in my life for me to invest in?”


Wednesday | Read/Listen to 2 Timothy 2:1-26 | Worship to Togetherness

Making a lasting impact is a group effort. How would you categorize some of the key instructions that Paul gives Timothy here? How do you see the “group effort” principle come through? How can the soldier/athlete/farmer metaphors help you follow Jesus and leave a lasting impact alongside others? Ask Jesus, “Who can I partner with in your work?”


Thursday | Read/Listen to Psalm 127 | Worship to Build Your Church

Making a lasting impact is a convergence of the Spirit’s power and our partnering with him. This psalm is about far more than having children. Read it two more times and consider how it relates to leaving a spiritual impact where you live, work, and play. When was a time when God’s power at work through your (or your group’s or family’s) efforts? Worship him for that! 


Friday | Watch the BibleProject video on Titus | Worship to The Cause of Christ

Living in a faith-filled community leaves a lasting impact. How would you summarize this letter in a sentence or two? Ask Jesus, “How can I partner with your Spirit as I worship with others this weekend?” Pray for Unite Knoxville tonight and tomorrow night—for many people to enter a new life in Jesus and for the churches of our area to be united in him. 

This Week’s Resources
We Need People
Reckless Love
Build Your Church
The Cause of Christ


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